
What is Beauty?

What is Beauty?

Beauty and aesthetics, as we all know, are an ongoing concern in the world of design and art. But beauty is subjective and hard to define. What you may find beautiful, could be ordinary or even ugly to others. It's deeply linked with emotions and experience.

Isn't it what makes it all more special? Beauty is not a mere surface but a central part of what it means to be human.

Introduction to Multi-sensory Design

Introduction to Multi-sensory Design

Environment, human perception and design hold in a broader spectrum of possibilities and we are ignoring it ― our focus has become too narrow due to a subconscious effect: the dominance of vision. 

Vision is the protagonist, taking up half of our brain's resources to process information. It's how we have always apprehended major threats, food supplies, and reproductive opportunity, placing our eyes as a principal way to collect data and ultimately, as the "most important" sense.  

But what happens with the other senses?